POJ Studio: Kintsugi Repair Kit
POJ Studio: Kintsugi Repair Kit
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken items by mending the areas of breakage with urushi lacquer followed by dusting with powdered gold. This Kit allows you to repair a chipped or broken plate.
Remember that Kintsugi isn’t a fast repair method. It takes time. it is slow and each step requires a curing stage. It really is so incredibly JAPANESE! Take time and view it as a form of meditation, a form of slow darning together of ceramic shards…. I really am pushing those italics here…. even the cleaning of the brushes has a meditative appeal to it.
Kiurushi 10g
Eurushi 10g
24k Gold Powder 0.1g
Tonoko Powder 15g
Sandpaper 600 & 1500
Gloves x2 pairs
Brushes 2 types
Spatula x1
Masking tape x1
Wooden storage box x1 (21 x 8.8 x 4.7cm)
Urushi contains a compound that can cause minor skin irritation, to a more severe allergic reaction, depending on the individual. While urushi can cause skin irritation in its raw, wet state, once it has completely hardened, it is absolutely food-safe and one of the most durable natural materials.
Should you experience alarming inflammation from touching urushi, or from simply being in the presence of urushi, please remove yourself from the room and consult a doctor for immediate medical attention.
For most people, touching urushi will cause minor irritation and itchy skin that can last up to three weeks. Proper handling like wearing gloves and a long-sleeve shirt help to prevent accidental contact with urushi.
POJ Studio is not liable for any adverse reactions caused by urushi. If you accidentally touch urushi, massage the affected area well with any plant-based oil straight away, like you would when removing make-up, and thoroughly wash with soap thereafter.
Instruction leaflets can be downloaded here:
Repairing chips: https://pojstudio.com/files/poj_instructions_kintsugi_01chipped_EN.pdf
Repairing a broken plate: https://pojstudio.com/files/poj_instructions_kintsugi_02broken_EN.pdf