Avocado Vase by Ilex Studio


Avocado Vase by Ilex Studio


Quite possibly one of our favourite products along with the Acorn Vase.

The Avocado Vase has been developed by Ilex Studio in London. Their motto is ‘Let’s grow more trees!’ and we wholeheartedly agree!

This vase allows you to see the roots as the avocado grows.

The vase comes with a booklet.

Once you’ve eaten your avocado we suggest washing the pit, chilling it in water in the fridge for a few days, removing bit from the fridge, allowing it to air dry for two days and the skin may dry and slough off (no problem if it doesn’t), then wrap in damp paper towelling, place in a ziplock bag or lidded jar and place somewhere warm to begin the sprouting process. How long will it take? Well that depends on the type of avocado, how long it has been in cold storage and when it feels like sprouting.

We occasionally have sprouted avocado pits to go out with the vases but not always. Sadly we have run out of germinated pits but we will be prepping more soon.

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